The evening presentations commenced with the very precise & fabulously candid, Richard Watson, who presented his observations and interpretation of world's society trends. Richard travels around the world documenting these trends and change through out our society, and how the trends for the future and its change reaction will affect our way of living and expectations - on society. What I found most exciting about Richard's presentation was that it presented 'multiple futures' for whichever future trend direction our lives take. Through his presentation Richard covered topics on Society, Food, Government, Science & Technology, Media, Retail, Home, Implications, Transport, Work, Money, Health & Travel. Within each of these topics were presented future trends with multiple paths and directions.

Richard, one of the pioneers behind the trend-blend analysis, that also areminds many of us of the London Tube map system - Trend Blend 2007+, here the map shows some of the major trends in each of these segments, as well as the key intersections between the trends.
Richard's book ' Future Files, A History of the Next 50 Years, Scribe Publications describes Richard's work -
'Future F
iles is filled with provocative forecasts about how the world might change in the next half century. It examines emerging patterns and developments in society, technology, economy, and business, and makes educated speculations as to where they might take us.
But Future Files is not primarily about prediction. Its goal is to liberate our collective and individual imaginations so that we can see the familiar in a new light and the unfamiliar with greater clarity, and to make individuals and organisations think about where we are going and to consider whether, when we get there, it will be worth staying.
Future Files will prove indispensable to business analysts, strategists, and organisations who need to stay ahead of the game, as well as providing rich and fascinating material for water-cooler conversations'.

But Future Files is not primarily about prediction. Its goal is to liberate our collective and individual imaginations so that we can see the familiar in a new light and the unfamiliar with greater clarity, and to make individuals and organisations think about where we are going and to consider whether, when we get there, it will be worth staying.
Future Files will prove indispensable to business analysts, strategists, and organisations who need to stay ahead of the game, as well as providing rich and fascinating material for water-cooler conversations'.
To purchase the book and find out more from Richard Wastson visit - Scribe Publications at